
We guarantee comprehensive HR & payroll services to our clients. We support them in the creation of payroll and HR departments and we oversee their functioning.


HR & payroll services

Human resources and payroll department is responsible for proper relations between the employees and the management board. Unfortunately, the complexity and frequent amendments of legal regulations may cause difficulties in the performance of this obligation. The best solution for employers is to outsource HR processes to professionals, who thoroughly monitor any planned and effective legislative changes in the HR & payroll area.

Our offer includes in particular:

HR services and keeping personal files

If a company decides to outsource HR processes and personal files to Mac Auditor, our specialists take comprehensive care of all the duties, and in particular they:

  • prepare any documents for the start of employment, such as employment contract, information about employment terms, scope of duties, medical examination referrals,
  • prepare any documents required in the course of employment, so called addenda, i.e. amending agreements or amending notices and letters regarding disciplinary punishments, such as admonitions and reprimands,
  • signal any employment contracts nearing expiry,
  • prepare any documents related to employment termination, i.e. termination by mutual agreement of the parties, by way of notice or without the notice period, as well as employment certificates,
  • register employees and their families with the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), report any changes to the ZUS and deregister employees,
  • keep personal files of employees,
  • establish the limits of leaves, record all leaves taken and verify the outstanding leaves,
  • record any employee absences that affect the salary,
  • verify the validity of medical examinations and OHS training,
  • prepare replies to letters from bailiffs,
  • prepare independent contractor agreements and contracts for specific work,
  • issue confirmations of employment.

We provide the services primarily in our accounting firm. If the client so requests, we also handle HR administration at the client’s location. In that case, we additionally contact the employer and the employees. We provide the employer with the documents to be signed (employment contracts, contract terminations, employment certificates), we help employees fill out the employment documents, we provide employees with the documents to be signed, we provide information and explanations. We act in accordance with the HR policy procedures in place at the client’s company. And if there are no such procedures, we develop the model of conduct together with the client.

Every proposal is prepared after we have talked to the client to establish their needs and requirements. We approach every entrepreneur individually, we are open to their suggestions and expectations.

Service information