
We guarantee comprehensive HR & payroll services to our clients. We support them in the creation of payroll and HR departments and we oversee their functioning.


HR & payroll services

Human resources and payroll department is responsible for proper relations between the employees and the management board. Unfortunately, the complexity and frequent amendments of legal regulations may cause difficulties in the performance of this obligation. The best solution for employers is to outsource HR processes to professionals, who thoroughly monitor any planned and effective legislative changes in the HR & payroll area.

Our offer includes in particular:

Working in the client’s system

If you decide to outsource HR & payroll processes to Mac Auditor’s professionals, you can be certain that we will adapt our services to your system. Our people are experienced with a number of platforms, which means top-level service for you without the need to train them on how to use the programme. We work or used to work with the following systems:

  • ComarchOptima
  • Enova365
  • SAP Business One
  • Rewizor
  • Raks Sql

Service information