
We guarantee comprehensive HR & payroll services to our clients. We support them in the creation of payroll and HR departments and we oversee their functioning.


HR & payroll specialist replacement

The service is addressed to clients who need an experienced HR & payroll specialist at their office, whether full- or part-time, and they would rather delegate the responsibility for such duties to labour law and social security experts. The specialists we provide work either in the absence of the employee who used to handle HR affairs or on a permanent basis. They can perform all or only some HR & payroll duties. They may be the only person in charge for HR & payroll at the company or they may work in a team.

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HR & payroll specialist replacement

Advantages of HR & payroll specialist as replacement:

  • No need to conduct lengthy and costly recruitment processes
  • Minimised risk of hiring a person with poor competencies and of being forced to search for a new candidate
  • A specialist hired instantly
  • Minimised risk related to absence of a company’s own employee
  • Responsibility for the area delegated to an external company while the job role remains in the company’s organisational structure
  • Capitalising on HR & payroll know-how resulting from years of experience
  • Flexible adaptation of the type of activities to the client’s internal needs

Competencies of a replacement specialist

  • Higher education
  • Completed professional courses
  • Several years of experience
  • Practical knowledge of HR & payroll, insurance, tax and labour law issues
  • Proficient use of HR & payroll software and the Płatnik software
  • MS Office skills
  • Excellent work organisation

Additional information about replacement specialist:

  • An experienced member of MAC’s team of HR & payroll specialists
  • Works full time or part time
  • May work at the registered office and under the supervision of the client or from MAC’s registered office through remote connection with the HR & payroll software and Płatnik of the client
  • Receives support from MAC’s experts regardless of where the work is performed
  • Proficient in several of the following HR & payroll programmes: CDN Optima Kadry i Płace Plus, Impuls Kady – Płace, SAP HR, Symfonia Kady i Płace, Enova Kadry i Płace, Reset, Raks 2000 Kadry i Płace, WF-Gang, Cenzus, KALI Kadry i Płace
  • Proficient in several programmes, quickly learns other HR & payroll programmes

Service information