
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.


Accounting services and taxes

Our services are addressed to clients who wish to develop the potential of their company, focus on the main objects of business and reduce the costs of functioning. We provide accounting and tax keeping in accordance with the law. We offer services of a team of experienced professionals who keep their knowledge up-to-date and have access to the latest tools.

Our offer includes in particular:


Standard Audit Files for Tax (JPK) is a set of information about the purchases and sales arising from the entrepreneur's VAT register for a specific period. The file must be consistent with the VAT declaration. The document is sent to the servers of the Ministry of Finance only by electronic means.

The JPK_VAT was introduced to improve the efficiency of tax audits. Almost all active value-added tax payers are obligated to transfer the file on a monthly basis (this also applies to the months when the entrepreneur did not have any VAT-bearing transactions). Entrepreneurs making settlements on a quarterly basis are also required to send the JPK_VAT every month.

Mac Auditor’s holistic approach to accounting services also includes the VAT Standard Audit Files for Tax service (JPK_VAT). An entrepreneur who outsources the service to us can feel safe – our professionals prepare the JPK_VAT and send it when due.


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