
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.


Accounting services and taxes

Our services are addressed to clients who wish to develop the potential of their company, focus on the main objects of business and reduce the costs of functioning. We provide accounting and tax keeping in accordance with the law. We offer services of a team of experienced professionals who keep their knowledge up-to-date and have access to the latest tools.

Our offer includes in particular:

Tax and accounting services

Our accounting firm provides the client with comprehensive services and assistance in the following issues:

  • calculation of the taxes connected with business activity, such as the CIT, PIT, VAT, preparation and dispatch of the required tax declarations on behalf of the client
  • preparing Standard Audit Files for Tax, e.g. JPK_VAT, JPK_V7M./JPK_V7K,
  • preparing VAT-EU declarations,
  • support in the calculation of other taxes and payments connected with the business, often related to the specific activity of the company,
  • VAT and CIT Compliance,
  • VAT management for foreign entities operating in Poland.

Service information