
We guarantee comprehensive HR & payroll services to our clients. We support them in the creation of payroll and HR departments and we oversee their functioning.


System solutions

As specialists in our sector, we offer not only comprehensive accounting outsourcing services but we also try to convince our clients to use innovative system solutions. The functionalities we implement are designed to automate selected processes, streamline operational activities and thus make more time for the enterprise’s key activity. We help match the solution to the needs and organisational structure of the client.

Our offer includes in particular:

Microsoft Power BI and  Comarch Analizy BI

Microsoft Power BI is another tool of this kind. It is used primarily for business analytics, and due to data visualisation it permits creating transparent reports.

With Power BI, entrepreneurs can:

  • follow the achievement of the KPIs,
  • visualise data on maps,
  • create complicated and complex charts,
  • build dashboards.

Microsoft Power BI is a tool based on familiar solutions – Excel. It makes it possible to use data from various sources. You do not have to spend a lot of money to make a full use of all the functionalities (the basic version is free). If you use a CRM, you can fully configure the tools.

Another tool we recommend is Comarch BI Point. With the programme, the entrepreneur is able to discover comprehensive and multidimensional analyses to support business decision-making.

Product features include:

  • generation of creative reports and analyses to improve company management and decision-making for the growth and success of the business,
  • availability of all documents that have been generated as they are uploaded to a cloud,
  • appealing presentation of data, taking into account the objectives and assumptions of the management – Dashboard.
  • full responsiveness of the tool, permitting work on both computers and portable devices (smartphones, tablets),
  • guaranteed data security, constant archiving and limited access,
  • a possibility of combining data from various sources, both internal data and e.g. economic indices.

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