
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.



To improve your decision-making, regular access to accounting data, the change process and the monitoring of the financial standing of your business, you may use several variants of our reporting assistance.

Our offer includes in particular:

Reporting platform DASHBOARD – Microsoft Power BI 

Standard reporting in Excel is now being pushed out by various modern applications. One of them is the reporting platform DASHBOARD – Power BI.

Power BI is a business intelligence software tool. It grants access to various sources of data which once transformed through visualisation yield legible and dynamic reports. Instead of capturing your data in tables with lines and columns full of numbers, you can present the same information using colours, shapes and sizes of graphic objects.

Advantages of Power BI:

  • reports can be created by users regardless of the level of their IT expertise,
  • as you create a report, you can use data from a spreadsheet, and then model them; such reports are effective and appealing,
  • the form of the reports (visual and interactive) makes it easier to analyse data and quickly draw conclusions,
  • there is a possibility of automatic data downloads,
  • compatibility with the most popular MS Office programmes (Excel and Power Point),
  • the reports on are available through web browsers and mobile apps,
  • a dynamically developing platform, updates every month – always preceded by an instruction video.

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