
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.



To improve your decision-making, regular access to accounting data, the change process and the monitoring of the financial standing of your business, you may use several variants of our reporting assistance.

Our offer includes in particular:

Management reporting

Management reports are essential from the point of view of managing an organisation or a part thereof. The reports present the most important ratios and their changes in a transparent and elegant form. They also include references to plans, budgets and the previous reporting periods.

The primary objective of management reporting is to take the load off the shoulders of entrepreneurs in their daily duties as much as possible and to help them run their business.

Management reporting at Mac Auditor is discussed with clients on a case-by-case basis. The services are prepared for specific needs of the entrepreneur.

The scope and presentation of the required data is consistent with the company’s expectations.

Our service includes preparing and analysing budgets, financial statements, sales values, margin values, revenue and cost structure.

Service information