
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.



To improve your decision-making, regular access to accounting data, the change process and the monitoring of the financial standing of your business, you may use several variants of our reporting assistance.

Our offer includes in particular:

Financial reports for listed companies

Since they are admitted to public trading, listed companies have strictly defined obligations regarding their financial reporting.

Listed companies are required to publish current reports. They include information about contracts, investment in real properties, acquisition or sale of large stock packages. They must additionally present periodic reports with information about the company's financial standing in the form of financial statements.

In accordance with the applicable laws, a company listed in a stock exchange must provide a financial report to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), to the stock exchange and to the public (e.g. post it on a website).

Additional restrictions that apply to listed companies include the periods in which they must publish their financial statements. Reports are divided as follows:

  • Q1 report,
  • half-yearly report,
  • Q3 report,
  • annual report.

Mac Auditor’s services cover all of the above components. We help listed companies prepare financial reports at each of the obligatory stages. A client who decides to hire our specialists gains certainty that the reports are prepared diligently, reliably and on time.

Service information