
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.



To improve your decision-making, regular access to accounting data, the change process and the monitoring of the financial standing of your business, you may use several variants of our reporting assistance.

Our offer includes in particular:

Group reporting

Owners expect efficient reporting of financial data from all group entities and data combined at a group level.

In such a case, it is crucial to introduce uniform reporting formats and adapt the schedule of reporting-related works to the requirements of particular countries and select appropriate reporting tools, useful regardless of the location of the recipient and comprehensible to users in various countries.

The most common areas subject to reporting are:

  • Detailed cost reports
  • Receivables and liabilities
  • Standalone and group reports on profit/loss
  • Budget reports
  • Standalone and consolidated balance sheets
  • Reports regarding profitability of projects
  • Consolidation packages
  • Group reports prepared based on templates developed by the group

Service information