
We guarantee comprehensive accounting services for our customers. We support them in the creation of accounting departments and we oversee their functioning.


Accounting services and taxes

Our services are addressed to clients who wish to develop the potential of their company, focus on the main objects of business and reduce the costs of functioning. We provide accounting and tax keeping in accordance with the law. We offer services of a team of experienced professionals who keep their knowledge up-to-date and have access to the latest tools.

Our offer includes in particular:

Accounting services in the client’s financial accounting system

If you decide to outsource accounting processes to Mac Auditor’s professionals, you can be certain that we will adapt our services to your system. Our people are experienced with a number of financial accounting platforms, which means top-level service for you without the need to train them on how to use the programme. We work or used to work with the following systems:

  • Comarch Optima
  • Enova 365
  • SAP Business One
  • Symfonia ERP (Forte)
  • Rewizor
  • Raks Sql
  • Dynamics Nav/Navision

Service information